Jawahar Bal Bhavan, Mandi is envisaging bringing out an e - publication to mark 151st Gandhi Jayanti.
The e-publication will comprise of the best selected entries in various categories received from affiliated Bal Bhavans and Bal Kendras across the country; member children; former members of Jawahar Bal Bhavan Mandi,
Nbb Nationalbalbhavan
and Bal Bhavan Kendras in Delhi and Bal Shree Awardees. For details regarding the theme and categories of entry click on the attachment below. The last date for submission of your entry online is 18th September 2020.
While sending entries ensure the following.
1. Each participant must attach passport size photo of self, contact number; year of Bal Bhavan membership if a former member; e.no of 2019-20/2020-21 for members; year and stream of Bal Shree Awards for Bal Shree Awardees.
2.Animation and poster must be in landscape and the photo qualify of the same must be good.
3.Creative Writing submissions must be in Hindi or English.
Looking forward to an overwhelming participation
from each one of you.